Friday, January 1, 2016

One Goal, One Theme, One Resolution

Happy New Year to ya'all!!

At the beginning of the year we all sit down and set new resolutions and goals hoping that they will last for 365 days.  You only need to walk into the gym on January 1st and see all of the new faces that have come out of hiding.  I am not sure if you are like me, but with a new year  I try to find every flaw that I have and feel that I can change the world in 365 days.  In reality, we set goals that are over the top and get frustrated and by February 1st we are back to square one.  As moms, we are the hardest on ourselves.  Did we spend enough quality time with our kids? Is my house clean enough? Dang it, I forgot I was signed up to volunteer in my kid's class today! We seriously do not need to add any more self deprivation in our lives this year!!

So with that being said, I want to make it easy for you this year...well kind-of.  One goal, one theme, one resolution:  Do something that you FEAR.  And by FEAR, I mean something adventurous that you are really afraid to do.  Maybe it is signing up for a 5K, or a trail race or trying a Cross-fit class. Hiking a mountain or trying a Stand Up Paddle for the first time. Whatever it is, face it and conquer it this year.  I promise you will feel more alive and re-charged.  Fall in love with yourself and find out what makes you tick. Find YOUR Mom Therapy!  One goal, one theme, one resolution.

My FEAR, seriously no joke is swimming.  I have always been a strong runner and biker and yearned to do a triathlon for years but the FEAR of water has always held me back.  Like I wrote in my last post, this is my first year getting back into racing after a 10 year hiatus.  I have 6 triathlons on my race schedule this year, finishing with a 1/2 Ironman. I am going to be honest, this scares me to death but I want to punch my FEAR in its ugly face.  I did a sprint triathlon in November and seriously almost drowned.  I don't even think they would have classified it as swimming.  Leading up to it I wanted to find every excuse not to do the race. It was a reverse triathlon, meaning the swim was last.  Being a strong runner and biker, I got a huge lead before the organized drowning began.  I ended up placing 3 overall for women...really only because of the run and the bike!  I finished the race and even with my organized drowning I felt like I had punched FEAR in its ugly face.  I was also humbled to realize I need some help to become a better I can actually call it swimming this year. I found my Mom Therapy!

What is it that you FEAR?  My dream of Fit Mom Therapy is to create a community of moms that can inspire each other with our daily dose of Mom Therapy.  To realize that we are not perfect and sometimes we need to take a minute to recharge ourselves with our mom therapy. Please let me know what you pledge to do to face that FEAR this year. Hashtag #fitmomtherapy and #momtherapy.  


  1. go on a family backpacking trip this summer

  2. Hmm, I will have to ponder this. Thanks for the challenge!

  3. Well put! I think my fear is turning 40....

  4. My fear is running a marathon. I have run 7 before but haven't run any since my daughter was born. I plan on running one this year.
